
How to choose a melon or watermelon – useful tips

Big berry season has begun. Let’s figure out how to choose a melon or watermelon.

Choosing a watermelon
If a small hole from a syringe is noticeable on the skin of a watermelon, which will then have a characteristic brown tint – in no case take such a watermelon. It may contain nitrates and are hazardous to human health.

If you want to check the watermelon for the presence of nitrates in it, you need to immerse the pulp of the watermelon in a glass of boiled cold water. If the water is cloudy, then everything is in order, and if it turns pink, nitrates are definitely present.

It is best if there is a small yellow spot on the watermelon, which indicates ripening under the sun, and not artificially. If the watermelon has a large yellow spot, it will most likely be watery, as there is a sign of a lack of heat and sun.How to choose a melon or watermelon - useful tips

Before use, be sure to wash the watermelon, preferably with a brush and soap, and rinse with boiled water. You can check the ripeness of a watermelon at home by immersing it in a bath of water. If the berry sinks, then inside it is not ripe. If it floats on the surface, then you are in luck.
When cut, a ripe watermelon will crackle. Seeds should be black or dark brown.

Choosing a melon
It is best to choose fragrant melon – this is the first sign of ripeness and readiness for consumption. It is also necessary to pay attention to the crust of the melon – it should be yellow and soft, but in no case cracked, with a brown dent or cuts.

When you press the melon, the pulp should spring back slightly, i.e. be firm and soft at the same time. There is also a belief that the more gray stripes on the skin of a melon, the tastier and sweeter the fruit will be.

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