
Nutrition rules for stomach or intestinal ulcers

A person diagnosed with peptic ulcer should always be careful. In order to avoid possible complications, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. There are nutritional rules for stomach or intestinal ulcers.

It is necessary to take medications, exclude the cause of the development of the disease, and also undergo a course of necessary treatment. Let’s take a closer look at the nutrition of a person with an ulcer, because it often turns out that an ulcer is a way of life.

Consider the general rules of nutrition for an ulcer
First of all, you must follow a few rules when eating:

It is recommended to eat food five to six times a day in small portions.
The diet of a person with such a diagnosis should contain as many vitamins, mineral salts as possible, primarily potassium, magnesium and calcium salts.
It is better to eat food that is steamed, boiled or baked.
All food consumed should be chopped, not too hot and not too cold.Nutrition rules for stomach or intestinal ulcers

What not to eat with an ulcer

An ulcer diet is not a one-day event.

You will need to adhere to certain dietary rules for quite a long time. In this case, the duration of the diet is determined by the complexity of the disease.
The following foods should be excluded from your diet:

smoked products,
canned meat and fish,
fatty meats and fish,
as well as meat, fish and strong vegetable broths.

Avoid also:

black bread,
sweet dough,
raw fruits and vegetables.

Not recommended:

carbonated drinks,
black coffee,
ice cream and chocolate.

Refuse also from all sauces except dairy.

From vegetables you can not eat:

white cabbage,
turnip and onion.

What can you eat with an ulcer

Now let’s talk about the menu that is recommended for peptic ulcer.

From drinks it is allowed to use:

cocoa and tea.

Also pay attention to:

dried white bread
boiled sausage,
cottage cheese,
vegetable and butter oils.

Also don’t miss out on:

eggs, soft-boiled and cooked in the form of an omelet,
vegetable soups,
soups from cereals and with vermicelli.Nutrition rules for stomach or intestinal ulcers

From vegetables will be useful:


Pay attention to:

chicken meat and beef,
lean fish.

It is better for you to use fruits only in the form of compotes.

Also allowed:

marshmallows and jam.
The period of exacerbation of the ulcer

Particular care must be taken during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Usually the ulcer becomes aggravated in the spring and autumn periods. In the first seven to eight days after the onset of an exacerbation, it is necessary to exclude any vegetables from your diet, as well as bread and snacks. Use all dishes exclusively in pure form.

Experts recommend drinking jelly more often with peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Do not forget about traditional medicine, which, in combination with diet and drug treatment, can give excellent results in a relatively short period of time.

You can resort to the above recommendations only after consulting with your doctor!

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